Let's Discuss Collaborating

I collaborate most effectively with senior communications executives in established social finance CDFIs, socially responsible and sustainable banks, and impact investment firms across the United States. 

My expertise helps your mission-driven institutions strengthen its external communications to further your essential social and financial equity goals.

Why Choose to Work with Me

Given the specialized nature of my consultancy and the high demand for my unique blend of academic rigor and industry expertise, I offer a limited number of complimentary 30-minute introductory calls each month. 

This is because my commitment to delivering exceptional results for my existing clients means I have the capacity for only a select number of long-term engagement clients.

Next Steps

If your established social finance organization serves financially under-resourced communities or impact investors in the U.S., please email me or connect with me on LinkedIn to share your needs and desire to connect with me to discuss them.

After our initial online contact, our complimentary 30-minute introductory call will allow us to understand your communications needs better and assess how I may elevate your messaging strategy. 

This discussion will also enable us to determine the potential for a successful strategic collaboration.

(c) 2023-2024. Dahna M. Chandler for UpThink Communications, Inc., a division of Thrive Media Collaborative, Inc. All rights reserved. This page content may not be reproduced or reposted in whole or in part or used for AI applications without express written permission from the author.

Image: RDNE Stock Project on Pexels.